Orthodontic treatment is an investment in a healthier and happier life. Studies show that crooked teeth not only negatively affect our self-esteem, but they can also interfere with our daily lives and career advancements. Straighter teeth are more attractive, easier to clean, and can even boost our confidence levels.부산헤어라인교정

Crooked or crowded teeth are difficult to keep clean, which can lead to gum disease and tooth decay. They can also impact chewing functionality and cause unnecessary stress on the jaw joints which may lead to headaches and facial/jaw pain. Orthodontic treatment is a preventative measure that can significantly reduce these risks by aligning our smiles and improving our overall oral health.

During orthodontic treatment, it’s important to keep up with routine visits and schedules in order to ensure the most effective outcomes. If you have any questions about your dental care or any of the procedures we perform, please contact us and schedule an appointment!

One of the most common complaints our patients experience is discomfort from loose or protruding wires. If you feel that a wire is poking your cheek or gums, use the eraser end of a pencil to move it to a less bothersome position. If the end is still poking, we recommend applying an over-the-counter dental anesthetic to the area and scheduling an appointment with Dr. Dann to resolve the issue.

A wire that is caught on a food particle can cause a painful irritation to your mouth and throat, especially when eating certain foods. You can avoid this by always keeping food away from the area where a wire is stuck, and be sure to brush and floss regularly.

An orthodontist specializes in the diagnosis, prevention, and correction of conditions that cause misalignment in the teeth and jaw. They design and fit corrective devices like braces, clear aligners, expander plates, headgear, and more to help improve the alignment of your smile.

If your child has a crooked smile, it’s important to see an orthodontist as soon as possible. This will help reduce the amount of time your child needs to spend in treatment and ensure that their permanent teeth come in correctly.

Orthodontics is a highly specialized field that requires training and education beyond general dentistry. An orthodontist has completed an additional two to three years of specialized training, which makes them uniquely qualified to treat the problems that can arise from a misaligned bite.

Crooked or crowded teeth are difficult for patients to maintain healthy, which can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. This can eventually lead to bone destruction and other severe oral health issues. The good news is that orthodontic treatment is an easy and cost-effective way to preemptively alleviate these problems, making it much easier for patients to clean their teeth and maintain their oral health. In addition, a properly aligned bite can reduce chewing and digestive difficulties, and even headaches and facial/jaw pain.청담모바로의원